I heard about Baby Legs, the funky baby leg-warmers that come in a million different colors and patterns, back when I was still pregnant and thought they sounded like a great idea. They promised to keep baby's legs warm, make diaper changes easier and protect little knees once baby starts crawling. Plus they are super-cute. I fully intended to pick up a pair for Baby M but shopping for baby leg-warmers moved to the bottom of priority list once Baby M was born.
So I was excited to see that Mechie, a new children's boutique on Venice Blvd that happens to be on our afternoon walking route, carried a good selection of Baby Legs. I picked up a cool striped pair for Baby M.
A few days later I got a chance to try them out and pulled the Baby Legs on along with a red onesie. Most of the photos I'd seen show the leg warmers going up pretty high on the baby's thigh with just a thin strip of skin showing between the sock and the diaper. Well, I could barely get the leg warmers up over Baby M's knees. Now Baby M is a big boy. He measures consistently above the 90th percentile in both height and weight and has been called "sturdy", "hefty" and "solid." Now it is obvious that we should also call him "thunder thighs".
Even though they didn't look the way I had expected I was not ready to give up on the Baby Legs yet. Besides, they were still cute in a weird, Flashdance kind of way. I carried Baby M out to the living room where my husband and his friends were watching a basketball game. They took one look at Baby M and asked "So is he going to Jazzercise?" My husband, appalled, said that Baby M looked like Richard Simmons and demanded that I remove the leg warmers and put him in some proper pants. So the Baby Legs are back in the drawer for now, but I'm not giving up on them. Once Baby M starts moving those thighs might thin out and if not, maybe we'll find a Mommy & Me Jazzercise class. There's got to be one out there somewhere.