Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Eyezz Have It

So Baby M finally has a few words under his belt. His first word was (drumroll) ..... "eyes." He'll point to my eyes or his own and whisper "eyezz" and then give me a big grin. We read some Sesame Street books and he is totally obsessed with the Count's monocle. He keeps pointing at it repeating "eyezz, eyezz, eyezz."

He has also mastered "hot." Initially he would point to the heater, my coffee mug or the toaster oven and declare "HOT." But now it has become his go to (and admittedly only) adjective. Jell-O is hot, his rubber duckie is hot, a shovel is hot, it's like living with my own miniature Paris Hilton.

Still no Mama and Daddy is kind of hit or miss, but he's definitely making some progress on the language front. Hooray! Grunting and emphatic pointing is all well and good, but I am really looking forward to Baby M speaking.

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