So this morning we drove over to UCLA where a nice undergraduate student met us at the parking structure and escorted us to the Language Lab. It was very similar to the Baby Lab; there were some toys for Baby M to play with, friendly research assistants and the same eye tracking software. Additionally, there was the "castle", a small room with sound and video monitoring equipment decorated to look like a tower in a fairy tale. We entered the castle along with the researcher where there was a computer screen set up. Baby M was shown some cartoon images along with corresponding sound and then asked to repeat what he heard. We viewed a picture of a man swimming and heard a voice say "He swims fast." Later the picture came up again with the phrase "There he swims." Initially Baby M was too shy to say anything, but eventually the researcher did get a few words out of him. As a thank you for participating Baby M got to choose a gift out of the "treasure chest." He picked a small white ball with the Language Lab logo printed on it.
The goal of the study is to understand how young children learn and respond to grammatical sentences. The researcher said Baby M's performance was pretty typical. About 50% of the children in his age range don't say anything at all and those that do are more likely to repeat the verb if it comes at the end of the sentence as opposed to the middle. Language acquisition is such an interesting process, and one that, as the mother of a relatively late-talker, I am particularly interested in. I'd happily participate in additional Language Lab studies.
Sounds like a fun excursion, and you got to contribute to UCLA research. Is Baby M's late-talker-ness still bothering you? My mom said my eldest sister, who became remarkably verbal (former LA Times reporter, report, does lots of writing in the tech analyst relations field now), just started talking in full sentences one day. I look forward to the day for Baby M, and hope in the meantime you'll sit tight even see if you might enjoy the silence. Our preschooler S talks a little TOO much these days!
I'm am not so worried about the late-talking anymore. Baby M has over 50 words now and is even starting to use some 2 word sentences, so I think he is just fine.
Great blog! We just brought our little girl into the Language Lab... but she's just 3 months.
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