The other day I made a quick stop at the computer to look up an address and Baby M started tugging on my leg and whining "No check your email Mommy." Later, we were getting ready to go to the park. I went into the bathroom to put on some lip gloss and Baby M followed me insisting "No put on make-up Mommy." Email? Make-up? Where did Baby M learn these words? How much time am I spending on the computer and my personal appearance? And is it taking away from time I should be spending with Baby M?
I know that we all need a little "me-time" each day, but I also know that with my laptop always on and sitting on the kitchen counter it is perhaps a little too easy for me to walk by on the way to play with Baby M and say, "Oh, a new email. It will just take a second to read it." And usually it does just take a few seconds to read it, but I wonder if it is also sending Baby M the message that the computer is my priority instead of him. So I have resolved to keep the laptop closed and only check email a few times a day when Baby M is napping or engaged with some other activity. Now, as for the make-up thing, I am pretty certain I am not spending more than a few minutes a day in front on the mirror. If I am am spending an excessive amount of time on my personal appearance I really need to take a class or something, because the results are not that impressive. So for now, Mommy is keeping her lip gloss. Sorry, Baby M, you'll just have to wait.
1 comment:
very insightful and good lesson to keep in mind. I'll send you a photo of Shing at Max's age and me with the laptop...
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