Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

So, I am not officially a mom yet, but at 8 months pregnant I decided to go ahead and post a few pre-baby entries, just to get things rolling.

Today my mother-in-law informed me that she and my father-in-law will be attending a “Grandparent's Safety Workshop” at Babies R' Us. The workshop is supposed to let grandparents know what's changed since they were parents and teach them about “proper selection and safe use of baby products.”

I think it is very sweet that they are excited about the workshop and it's great that someone else is going to get to explain to them that, yes, the baby really does need to sleep on his back and no, the baby doesn't need to be eating pureed steak at 2 months old in order to get enough iron. On the other hand, I am a little wary about them becoming baby product “experts.”

One thing you should probably know about my in-laws is that product research and shopping is their hobby. They can tell you the cheapest place to buy a cantaloupe and the highest rated electric toothbrush without breaking a sweat. This is useful when it is time to buy a new television set, but annoying when I'm told that I'm not using the right kitchen sponge or paying too much for oatmeal.

So although I'm happy to know that my little guy will be safe at Grandma's house, I am concerned that when Grandma comes to my house we'll be put through a military style inspection (and fail miserably-- I've already forgotten how to unfold our stroller!) or be asked to justify why we have the Tiny Love playmat instead of the one by Fisher Price.

I know I should stop worrying, or at least worry about something more pressing like writing my birth plan or putting away the mountains of shower gifts. Sometimes it just seems that everyone else is more excited and ready for this baby to be born than I am. I keep waiting for the “I'm so sick of being pregnant, bring on the labor” feelings to start, but so far I'm happy to go on being fat, well-rested and contraction free.