Sunday, July 8, 2012

Walks With S

S loves walking.  He's been walking for nearly 3 months now and each step is still an exciting accomplishment.  His favorite thing is to stroll down the block.  "Outside" he shouts banging on the front door.   Once out he doesn't stop; he will wander happily for blocks and blocks.  While  M will jump in a stroller the first chance he gets, S demands "Walk!"

A walk with with S is punctuated by exclamation points.  "Yellow Flower!"  "Ant!  "Big Tree!"  And every time I correctly interpret his proclamations I am rewarded with the biggest grin ever.  Every new surface must be stepped on.  He examines thorns on rosebushes and cautions me, "Ouch!" Leaves are picked up and discarded for more interesting loot.  I envy his complete focus on the moment.  He is not worrying about where to turn at the next corner, how long it will take to make dinner or whether the neighbors will mind him walking on the lawn.  I am so grateful to have the time with him to wander, to explore, to get out of my head and into his.  Sometimes amid all the researching schools, scheduling play dates and reading about discipline tactics I forget to take a breath and simply enjoy where my children are at right now. Walks with S help me remember.

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