Thursday, September 24, 2009

Funny Guy

Kids are funny. I think most parents love to entertain, and admittedly sometimes bore, our friends with funny stories about our kids. Try typing "Funny Kid" into YouTube and you will see what I mean. A lot of these anecdotes are based on the unintentionally amusing things our kids say or do. There is the crazy head-banging, rump shaking dance my friend's daughter does every time "Hollaback Girl" comes on the radio. Or there was the time I told my husband that Baby M was gassy and Baby M piped up with "I went to the gas station."

But now Baby M is intentionally trying to make us laugh and it's so fun to watch his developing sense of humor. At first his favorite joke was to call things by the wrong name. "That's a truck," he'd say pointing to a flower and giggling uncontrollably. Then he moved on to throwing things adding "I funny" just in case I didn't get the joke. "No not funny," I'd say in my very best unamused, stern momma voice, which, of course, he just laughed at. Thankfully, that stage is over, but now we are on to poop. Poop is hilarious. It's hilarious to say, it's hilarious to hear. Poop poop poop. "I say poop" he shouts gleefully.

I'm hoping his sense of humor will continue to develop, moving on to slapstick or knock knock jokes or possibly even witty repartee. Still with males you never know. There seem to be plenty of grown men who have not moved past the 2 year old poop phase. In fact plenty of them have successful careers based on poop and fart jokes (See Mike Judge or Mike Meyers).

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