Baby M loves Sesame Street. If we are at home a request to watch Sesame Street will come up, oh every 5 minutes or so. Sometimes it's cheerful, "I watch Sesame Street now? [big grin]" Sometimes it's polite, "Sesame Street...please." But inevitably it becomes whiny and devolves into a full on, head banging, legs flailing, Sesame Street deprivation tantrum. And if we attempt to leave the house, even to go to the park, he immediately begins screaming "Take me back home". What does he want to do at home? Watch Sesame Street. It's not like he doesn't get a good daily dose of Elmo. He gets to watch 30 minutes of Sesame Street after breakfast and 30 minutes again when he wakes up from his nap. Which is plenty, especially considering that the daily
recommended amount of television for a not quite 2 year old is zero minutes.
As a solution to the constant tantrums my husband suggested that I make coupons for Baby M to redeem for TV time. When the coupons are gone, the TV stays off. It sounded good. I made up some coupons by cutting out pictures of Big Bird and Elmo and pasting them on index cards. Baby M was very excited about his coupons and by Noon he had cashed them both in. That afternoon, after his nap, he wanted to watch Sesame Street. I explained to him that he had no more coupons left. He grabbed my hand, walked me over to the shelf I had placed his redeemed coupons on says "They're right there, Mommy." Then he proceeded to have a tantrum to get the coupons followed by a tantrum because his eyes were wet from the first tantrum. I think perhaps the terrible twos have arrived a month early.
Welcome to my world, ALAMB. The whinyness is gonna get to you.
I think what happens at this age is the assertion of independence without the maturity of social awareness (thinking of what others might actually need/want). So the more that you can explain your point of view - after the tantrum is over, since they just don't listen during that period - the better.
It's something you've heard before, but I'm guessing other kinds of structure could help. Though the coupon idea sounded good, structure in terms of schedule could be good. Maybe Sesame Street only at a certain time of day? That way he knows when's it's coming, and when's it's going off, like clockwork?
Also you've also heard this before too, but you might also try doing your best to not respond when he whines/tantrums. Just go into another room and start doing your own thing (like blogging!).
I guess this is all unsolicited advice, so delete away if you'd like...I was just feeling for you and hope this could help. Good luck!
Thanks Karen. I wouldn't be putting this out there with the "post comment" button if I didn't want some advice from those who've gone before :) I know you are right about the schedule thing. I have been putting it off because Baby M's nap is moving and I can't quite get it pinned down (I just hope it is not on it's way out the door!). And also, I'm just not really a schedule kind of person.
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